I discovered
Oceansize through my brother, who recommends to me all the time what he calls "good" music and whose taste ranges from
Pink Floyd to
Radiohead. In other words, my brother is not a big fan of
Miley Cyrus, or her alter ego for that matter. My twelve year-old self found all the music her brother recommended to her, to be depressing and weird. And after months of forcing myself to listen to Thom Yorke's voice telling me he was a
creep and some of their other wacky songs, I finally had it. I would not give in to my brother's musical taste, even if it meant "I had no culture" in his words. So I happily recommenced my obsession with happy and cheery pop songs. Not long after I turned thirteen, my brother sent one of his "DUDE! Check out this band! Now." emails. I had been steadily ignoring them for the past few months, but because of fate or reasons unknown , this one I did check out. And then, Oceansize entered my life. Recently I'd been evolving from pop, to pop-rock, to alternative rock, so maybe I was a bit more open to different sounds. But I still hadn't forgotten Thom Yorke's wailing voice, so I can't say I wasn't hesitant. But
Savant changed it all.
I don't know what it was but I just immediately liked this song. I just thought, "Wouldn't it be great if there were other songs just like this, like this kind of music? They must exist!" So I downloaded more Oceansize and I was fascinated and I couldn't stop.
The Frame
Music For A Nurse
It was then when I deleted Britney and Hilary from my ipod shamefully, realizing there was actually
good music out there. Oceansize was my first experience out of my pop bubble and even though it was only one of the first, it's still one of the best. Eventually I listened to Radiohead again with no fear. They are now one of my favorite bands. And I love Thom's voice, I have no idea what my twelve year old self was talking about. Maybe things change when you are no longer twelve or maybe I needed hearing aid or something. Now I worship these weird, creepy bands my brother forced upon me, that I will probably write about later on this blog.
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